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Деловой иностранный язык ответы Синергия. 1 семестр тест "итоговый" компетентностный


Деловой иностранный язык экзамен Синергия. Компетентностный + Итоговый тест с ответами 100% . Помощь студентам МФПУ МТИ МОИ МосАП. Сервис онлайн помощи студентам. Решение тестов в семестре. Окажем содействие в сдаче: Практики Синергия Кейс-задания. Идентификация - легальные методики, помогающие авторизоваться на lms.synergy.ru, не влекут негативных последствий. Гарантия высоких результатов 90/100 баллов.


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Тема 1. History of computers (История компьютеров)

Тема 2. Information dependent society (Информационно-зависимое общество)

Тема 3. Development of microelectronics (Развитие микроэлектроники)

Тема 4. What is operating system (Что такое операционная система)

Тема 5. The information management challenges (Проблемы управления информацией)

Тема 6. Real time operating system (Операционная система в реальном времени)


Итоговая аттестация

Итоговый тест.

Компетентностный тест

Деловой иностранный язык синергия

Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: "LibreOffice, Firefox, Thunderbird, Transmission, and lightweight games like Sudoku and chess (include)... by default, while GNOME Files is the default file manager"


Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: "The transistor, which (introduce) ... in the mid-1950s, made computers more reliable"


Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: "There was no such thing when the first computers (develop)... following WWIΓ


Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: "The addition of support for Linux programs, which (reveal) ... in 2018, was a big advance"


Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: "Wireless network connectivity (also manage) ... by mobile operating systems"


There are some of the potential benefits of distributed operating systems, for example ... (choose 2 correct answers)

they minimize the load on the host computer

they require a high level of expertise to maintain

they allow a faster exchange of data among users

if the primary network fails, the entire system shuts down


The ..., which was introduced in the mid-1950s, made computers more reliable




vacuum tube


The type of operating system that is not directly linked to the computer is the ... operating system






... was developed by Bell Labs and was the first significant operating system to be written almost entirely in high-level language




Windows 95


... created the first operating system for the IBM 701


О Apple

О Samsung

О General Motors


The Apple Macintosh, a low-cost workstation that emerged from early Alto computer concepts, was released in ...

О 1923

О 1956

О 1984

О 2001


The introduction of time-sharing systems, in particular, has long been regarded as a watershed moment in the evolution of ... systems

О operating

О executing

О mediating

О monitoring


A user cannot send direct instructions to the hardware ... various activities

О execute

О executes

О to execute

О to be executed


Identify the sequence of generations of computers (by their description):

Тип ответа: Сортировка

1 huge machines capable of conducting numerical calculations

2 computers were mostly utilized for scientific and technical calculations, with FORTRAN and assembly code being the most used programming languages

3 the machines shared the same architecture and instruction set, programs created for one could be run on the other

4 computers with Large Scale Integration Circuits (LSI) and silicon chips with thousands Oftransistors


Because of the expense, the system's productivity had to be increased ... cost effectiveness



to assure

to be assured


The description of the generation of computers is down below: "Computers of this generation appeared, when IBM introduced the System/360, a line of software-compatible computers with varying levels of capability and price. Because the machines shared the same architecture and instruction set, programs created for one could be run on the other". Which generation of computers is described in the text?

This is a description of the first generation, which lasted from 1940s to 1950s, when word-oriented computers typically had a single accumulator and an extension, referred to as, e.g., Upper and LowerAccumuIator, Accumulator and Multiplier- Quotient (MQ) register

This is a description of the third generation, which lasted from 1965 to 1980s. These devices generally relied on early (sub- 1000 transistor) integrated circuit technology. The third generation ends with the microprocessor-based fourth generation

This is a description of the fourth generation, which has been lasting from 1970s to Present, he basis of the fourth generation is the microprocessor, a computer processor contained on a single large-scale integration (LSI) MOS integrated circuit chip


Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: "Huge machines capable of conducting numerical calculations (construct)... in the mid-1940s"

Тип ответа: Текстовый ответ


Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: "A more systematic structure (form) ... with the creation of ambitious operating systems in the mid-1960s"

Тип ответа: Текстовый ответ


Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: "A UNIX based operating system, Solaris (originally develop)... by Sun Microsystems in the mid-'90s"

Тип ответа: Текстовый ответ

Prior to the transistor’s discovery in 1947, the only way to execute amplification of a weak current in an electronic circuit was to use a vacuum tube. What were the initial advantages transistors demonstrated over small vacuum tubes?

О Transistors had longer lifespan, were smaller and many of them could be placed on a single chip

O Transistors were larger, while consuming far less power. They were more reliable

O Small vacuum tubes’ production cost was much higher. Tubes' material turned out to be harmful for people's skin


The OS-9 family of real-time operating systems has been in use for over 20 years, with more than 5 million installed copies.

The range of OS-9 applications is wide - industrial automation, instrumental and measuring systems, military and space systems. Why has the OS-9 been so popular and widely used?

О Number of supported hardware platforms and the quality of that support; various development tools; advanced network facilities

O Unlimited number of tasks; it's the first commercial real-time OS designed for building highly reliable fauIbtolerant systems

O Their protocol is not based on any of the common network protocols such as IPX or NetBios and has a number of qualities that make it unique; keeps specific hardware running smoothly


Cryptography is the study of secure communications techniques that allow only the sender and intended recipient of a message to view its contents. What does a massive use of cryptography lead to?

О Among other things, it leads to protection of accounting for payment by subscribers of a digital communication channel

O It leads to the dissemination of obscene materials that pose a threat to the moral foundations of society, because people feel free when they can act anonymously, distribute, buy and sell illegal materials with low chance Oftracing them

O It leads to a significant improvement of the identification of people by automatic machines when crossing the borders of states


An information society is a society where the usage, creation, distribution, manipulation and integration of information is a significant activity. Which of the following statements is not true about the Information Society?

О The information society refers to the social, economic, technological, and cultural changes that have occurred as a result of the rapid development and extensive use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in modern countries, particularly since World War Il

O According to Professor W. Martin attempted to formulate the main characteristics of the information society according to the Social and Technological criteria

O The information society has been formed decades ago, and therefore has been widely studied from different angles; experts have reached the consensus regarding the "Information Society" term


Artificial intelligence is becoming more standardized, making it more accessible to a subject-matter expert who isn't necessarily a knowledge engineering expert. What standards are becoming more common accessible and useful today?

О International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Remote Data Access (RDA)

O American National Admissions Institute (ANSI) Structured Join Language (SQL)

O Object Management Group (OMG) - Common Object Broker Architecture (CORBA)

O Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Extensible Markup Language (XML)

O Web Ontology Language (OWL), Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language, Win Interchange Format (KIF)


Most businesses don't want to deal with non-core tasks, which include the IT infrastructure. And if it has to pay for a data center, it has to function at maximum efficiency. Crisis situations are exacerbating resource shortages. Enterprises are cutting IT budgets, investing less in long-term projects in general and in data centers in particular. It is impossible to abandon IT altogether - it is equal to giving up doing business, but phased financing and speed of commissioning come to the fore. What do today's IT managers face while having limited budgetary resources to expand data centers?

О Task of providing more services to more users, meeting ever-increasing performance expectations, storing and managing exponentially increasing amounts of data, better protecting the network, and ensuring system stability

O Mail to be lost when using postal mail, and neither the sender nor the receiver would know where the letter was or whether it had been delivered

O They face a lot of challenges as "hundreds of billions of dollars are spent annually on mobile phones, electronic devices, computers, and other microelectronic products, spawning an entire industry that did not exist a decade ago" 

Cell phones are ..., making it possible to provide everyone with communication channels


... memory is a memory management technique that provides an idealized abstraction of the storage resources that are actually available on a given machine which creates the illusion to users of a very large (main) memory


... is the property of a system to handle a growing amount of work by adding resources to the system


The most significant worldwide danger is the rise in labor... when information technologies are implemented


Demand for programmers is already outstripping supply, and some analysts believe that this shortfall will limit... usage development in the next few years


The ... transistor was conceived about 25 years before bipolar transistors, but mass production did not become feasible until the early 1960s


A mechanical calculator invented by Blaise Pascal in 1642 is called ...


.... ensure the uninterrupted operation of vital systems, therefore, if a failure occurs or some illegal operations are performed, the OS must diagnose them, if necessary, block the program or isolate applications from each other, initiate recovery and protection of other programs or the system itself






Another name for bipolar transistors is ...

vacuum tubes

junction transistors

field-effect transistors

insulated-gate bipolar transistors


Debian is a pre-compiled software that has over... packages and is based on the Linux kernel

О 59 000

О 100 000

О 200 500

О 347 000


... is a group of several proprietary graphical operating system families, all of which are developed and marketed by Microsoft


The benefits of specialized RTOS include ... (choose 2 correct answers)


top performance

long development time

the greatest compactness


A piece of software that sits between the hardware and the user is an ... system






MULTICS was developed by ...

Apple Inc

Kaspersky Labs


Bell Labs


The unfair situation in society when some people have more opportunities, money, etc. than other people is called ...






Bell Telephone Laboratories' John Bardeenz Walter H. Brattainz and William Shockley devised the ... in 1948

vacuum tube

bipolar transistor

field-effect transistor

insulated-gate bipolar transistor


... is a person who identifies and analyzes business problems, and generates system requirements

Project manager

System architect

Enterprise architect

Business systems analyst


Data ... is the process of combining data from multiple sources into a single system or in close proximity to one another, such as on a display, so that the user may access them from a single platform

access policy

access issue




... is data that provides information about other data, but not the content of the data, such as the text of a message or the image itself


Correlate the generations of computers with their descriptions:

Тип ответа: Сопоставление

A. Computers of the First Generation

B. Computers of a New Generation

C. Computers of the Third Generation

D. Computers of the Fourth Generation

E. huge machines capable of conducting numerical calculations

F. computers were mostly utilized for scientific and technical calculations, with FORTRAN and assembly code being the most used programming languages

G. the machines shared the same architecture and instruction set, programs created for one could be run on the other

H. computers with Large Scale Integration Circuits (LSI) and silicon chips with thousands of transistors


Match the sentence with the time it was written:

Тип ответа: Сопоставление

A. BINAC and EDSAC were notable early Stored- program electronic digital computers

В. Until now, there hasn't been any quantum­computing platform that had the capability to program new algorithms

С. Developers have been trying to find a solution to this problem since the last century but still haven't found one

D. Nowadays many smartphones have faster processor speeds and more memory than desktop PCs

still haven't found one

Nowadays many smartphones have faster processor speeds and more memory than desktop PCs

E. Past Simple

F. Present Perfect

G. Present Perfect Continuous

H. Present Simple


Match the abbreviations and transcripts:

Тип ответа: Сопоставление


B. Al


D.information and communication technologies

E.artificial intelligence

F.gross domestic product


Match the units of data measurement with their characteristics:

Тип ответа: Сопоставление

A. Bit

B. Kilobyte (kb)

C. Gigabyte (Gb)

D. is the smallest unit of measurement

E. is approximately 1000 bytes, or the equivalent of 1000 characters

F. is approximately 1000 Mb, or the equivalent of one billion characters


Match the approaches to understanding the information society and their authors:

Тип ответа: Сопоставление

A. W. Martin

В. Rakitov

С. N. Kurnosov

D. the information society is understood as a «developed post-industrial society» that arose primarily in the West

E. the transition to the information society means that the most important product of social activity is the production, operation and use of services and knowledge, and the share of knowledge in this combination is increasing

F.the information society is dominated by remote communications, remote work and leisure; new relations are formed between people in the process of production and social activity


Arrange the events chronologically:

Тип ответа: Сортировка

1 Calculations are done on an Abacus by sliding beads across the rods

2 Pascaline, the first gear-driven calculator, was invented

3 Mark 1 was developed for army to compute World War Two ballistic fighting tables

4 Apple Il was the first personal computer with color monitor


Arrange the inventions chronologically:

Тип ответа: Сортировка

1 The Stepped Reckoner

2 Atanasoff-BerryComputer

3 Markll



The transistor's most significant advantage over the best vacuum tubes was that it...

produced a lot of heat

consumed far less power

took 1 to 2 minutes to warm up

were less reliable and had a shorter lifespan


The OS-9 family of real-time operating systems has been in use for over... years, with more than 5 million installed copies






The second most important direction for strengthening accounting policies in the information society is the massive use of


PS signals




The transistor's most significant advantage over the best vacuum tubes was that it consumed far...

longer lifespan

shorter lifespan

big advantage

small advantage


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